12月. 12, 2022

Winter commencement: ‘成为你想成为的人’

最近,三位新大的大四学生在节日音乐厅会面,讨论他们的校园经历, 难忘的时刻, influential mentors and what they’ll miss most after graduation.

NDSU is set to hold commencement ceremonies 周五,12月. 16, in the Sanford Health Athletic Complex. 安排了两场仪式.

2p.m. 仪式 will be for graduates of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Engineering; College of Human Sciences and Education; and interdisciplinary studies. 5便士.m. 仪式 is for graduates in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources; College of Business; College of Health Professions; and College of Science and Mathematics.

贾斯汀·莱斯特, an agriculture and biosystems engineering major, was selected as class representative to address the 2 p.m. 会计学专业的哈利·赫尔明(Haley Helmin)被选中在下午5点发表演讲.m. 仪式.

Seth Brandl was named soloist and alternate speaker for the 2 p.m. 仪式.




What is your favorite memory at NDSU?

Brandl, music education, Grand Forks, North Dakota: 这是我在NDSU参加过的最棒的音乐会之一. 真的要做点什么了, 在我们这个年纪,这些都是很酷的事情,而且我们也是一大群人中的一员,因为同样的原因而去.

莱斯特,布法罗,明尼苏达州: 我最喜欢的记忆之一就是回顾不同的时刻,看到我所拥有的成长. 看看我大一的时候在第一节课和现在的课堂上讲东西有多糟糕, 最近几周, I’ve noticed how much I’ve been able to improve. And I also can say that about a lot of aspects of my life. I’ve grown so much from 18 to 22 years old.


Explain one of the best opportunities you had at NDSU.

赫尔敏,布雷纳德,明尼苏达州: I was able to intern with the North Dakota auditor’s office. I wouldn’t have found out about that opportunity if it wasn’t for NDSU. 我非常感谢NDSU为我们找到实习机会提供了惊人的资源,如果这是我们攻读学位所需要的.

莱司特: 我在新大最好的机会是参与了一个工程学院称为“工程大使”的项目. 通过这个角色,我能够与其他积极性很高的工程师一起工作,并与对NDSU感兴趣的潜在学生见面. 我要谈谈为什么我喜欢在NDSU的时光,为什么我认为这是一个很好的上学的地方.


What is a lesson you learned as a student that you will take with you?

莱司特: 犯错误是正常的. 我很早就在大学里学到了这一点. 我能够理解这一点,并在回顾过去的时候试着在这个错误的基础上成长.


What will you remember most about your time at NDSU?

莱司特: The great people I was able to interact with. From student to staff to faculty members, so many people have left a great impact on my college career.

Brandl: All the opportunities I’ve been given. 作为一名歌手和表演者,我能够在英格兰和威尔士与合唱团一起表演. I would have never done that on my own. I also loved all the service opportunities. Blue Key got me really involved in a lot of service. Serving, making friends and the great opportunities I’ve had.


Name someone who was influential during your college career.

莱司特: 我认为对我的大学生涯影响很大的人是工程学院的顾问乔尔·汉森. 他是我作为一名想要来新州立大学的潜在学生最先接触的人之一,通过不同的经历,我和他有了很多合作. He’s done a really good job as an advisor to help shape who I am. 他是一个很好的资源.


What will you miss most about campus?

Brandl: 我喜欢呆在校园里. 我上个学期一直在做学生教学,所以每天我都要跟随一位老师. 我已经离开校园一个学期了,只要有机会回来,我就会满怀怀旧之情, and I’ve only been gone for a couple months. Especially in the spring and summer. It’s really special to see all the greenery, flowers and trees. There is something about campus that gives me a good feeling.

莱司特: 我所有的朋友. 能够穿过校园,看到某人,能够聊上几分钟. I’ve made such a good group of friends that I won’t have around every day.

Helmin: 我不是经常在主校区,因为我是商科专业的,而且我们大部分都在法戈市中心. 我只是喜欢每天都能看到商界,同时也能学到商业知识. Being part of that culture was really cool. I was immersed in what I’m going to be doing in the future.


What is your best piece of advice for freshmen entering NDSU?

Brandl: Take advantage of all the opportunities given to you. It’s easy to get a little overwhelmed because there is so much to do. 但这是一件好事. 我花了一段时间才克服独自生活带来的文化冲击. But there are so many opportunities if you just look for them. 尽早参与进来.

莱司特: 这是你人生的新篇章. 你应该花点时间思考一下你想要成为什么样的人. It doesn’t matter who you were in high school. That’s in the past, you are interacting with all new people. Try to find what you want to be and try to take a hold of that. 成为你想成为的人.

Helmin: Do something to get yourself involved. Everyone leaves NDSU with the same degree. 你在新大都干了些什么, 你的小, 你的课外活动, that’s what is going to set you apart when you enter the workforce.


What do you love about living in Fargo?

Brandl: 我喜欢这里下这么大的雪. You can get away from the city feeling, but there also is a great downtown area with a lot of shops and businesses. You can choose what kind of feeling you want in Fargo. If you want city streets and shops, go downtown. 如果你想远离它,这里有很多开阔的空间可以去散步. You have the best of both worlds in Fargo.

Helmin: I love that there is so much to do in Fargo. It’s a small town but also like a big city. There is so much to do that I could never get bored living here.

莱司特: It feels a lot like a suburb in some ways, 但与此同时,这里的东西比我小时候习惯的要多得多. Not having a 45 minute or an hour trip to go do something is great. And having a Chipotle five minutes from my apartment is great, too.


What is a lesson learned as a student that you will take with you?

Helmin: I feel like I learned a lot at NDSU. 在我的毕业典礼演讲中,我要说的是激情和目标. 追随你的激情和目标,你的生活中不会有工作,你会感到满足.

Brandl: 我学会了如何说不. 你需要了解你的极限,你需要能够尽你最大的能力去做事情. Sometimes if you are stretched too thin, 你完成了所有的事情, but you might not love the finished product. 我最终还是学会了, although I wanted to do as much as I could, I had to start picking and choosing if I wanted to do at my best.


Name a professor you enjoyed learning from.

Helmin: 南希·爱默生. 她是一位非常理解我学习风格的会计学教授,我觉得她的教学风格也很适合我的学习方式. She’s been there for me through a lot, 总是进来打招呼, going out of her way to make sure I’m having a good day.

莱司特: Zhulu林. 他真正掌握了教授理论的工作,并在举例帮助学生学习的同时教得很好. 他让我们在课堂上做一些问题,并给我们一些容易犯的错误的指导. 他能够找到获得他所需要的材料的平衡,以及让我们用例子来学习.


What was the best class you took in college?

莱司特: It would be different for every year I’ve been in college. But, overall, I would say a class called Open Channel Flow. 我们在课堂上大部分时间都在学习理论,但我们也有很多设计方面的内容. That’s a big role for an engineer going into your career. 能够学习它背后的理论,然后真正学习软件是非常有价值的.

Helmin: 312年会计. It’s our intermediate class designed to be more difficult. 这让我很难确定这是我余生想要做的事情. 这对我是个挑战.



Helmin: It feels like a small and big community at the same time. 我发现我结交了一生的朋友和我将在余生中称之为家人的人,我认为这是NDSU的特别之处.

莱司特: 的人. 你与之互动的学生、员工和教职员工真正造就了新大. 你与他们的互动塑造了今天的你,这就是你在NDSU的价值所在.


Start your NDSU experience by completing your application.
