NDSU Magazine logo - Spring 2004

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Spring 2004

Vol. 04, No. 2


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Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate NDSU magazine. I seldom find myself in Fargo these days, and the stories and updates that are printed are a great way to stay on top of what's happening at my alma mater. Living in Southern California makes it difficult to stay in touch, and your magazine helps.

I especially enjoy the stories about individuals, and the work that they are doing after being prepared at NDSU.

I get quite a few shocked looks when I wear my NDSU hat, and a lot of folks think that I'm joking with them about my alma mater. Not too many Bison fans out here, but the few that I run into are instant friends. Thanks for your effort, and keep up the good work.
Bill Sanborn
BS Construction Tech '86
Sanborn Engineering

I have just spent a good part of my morning reading the NDSU magazine from cover to cover. I find it interesting to see that North Dakotans do end up on all corners of the earth and have interesting and beneficial careers. I moved to London, England (via Geneva, Switzerland) directly after graduating from NDSU in 1994 and have met fellow North Dakotans in all of my travels. I have to say that the British people are a bit more clued in as to where our lovely state is located than some of our fellow American citizens! Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next issue.
Lynnette (Fluth) Cash

As I am sitting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, sending our Christmas cards and working on my doctoral dissertation for the University of Phoenix School of Advanced Studies (online), it was a pleasure to read the fall issue of NDSU magazine. I noticed the clip on Julie's work and it was impressive. My daughter is graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in Graphics Design and I'll forward this magazine onto her.

During a staff meeting the other day at Eaton, Fargo came up as one of those, "how did that happen," in regards to high-tech cities with radio frequency identification devices, wind turbines, and others. It was nice to say, I went to school there.

I'll be there next week to see the family and am looking forward to seeing old friends and even driving by the Cow College, as my father still calls it. Hopefully, it won't be as cold as when I went to college there. I tell people the story, "there were three weeks in January, 1979, where it never got to 20 below; 25 below during the day, and 40 below at night (without wind-chill)." I'm not sure me spreading that story helps your cause, but it gets a laugh.

Congratulations on a wonderful transformation of the magazine, a university, a technology center, and a metropolitan area.
Dr. Kenneth Uhlman, P.E.
Director, Business Development, Eaton
Pittsburgh, PA

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.