NDSU杂志标志- 2008年春季

以前的故事 下一个故事


卷. 08, No. 2


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在学期初, 进行曲和吟唱的声音充满了米纳德大厅二楼的南端. 这句充满活力的歌词从办公室的门缝里滚了出来, 有节奏的声音在背诵一些难以理解的东西. 声音是响亮的,不可抗拒的. 如果一周内不止一次发生这种情况,那么是时候寻找根源了. 搜寻的结果是一间小教室,里面塞满了桌子, 学生, 一个娇小的教官和一个音箱.

站在她的德语课开始前, instructor Stephanie Grollman marks the beat with her hands and speaks to the rhythm of an instrumental jazz CD. 当她的学生重复一种新的语言模式时,她的声音甚至比他们的学生还要大. 他们的发音和口音随着每一次重复而提高. 如果不是很有音乐性,它也是令人着迷和有效的. 格罗尔曼在偶然的机会中产生了使用爵士乐的想法. 她在车里听爵士乐,不由自主地跟着音乐说话, 给久经考验的教学技巧注入了新的味道. The next day she tried it in the classroom where the ease and fun of the technique were instantly popular. 学生们可能会感到有点压抑,但他们记忆得很快,记住了他们所学的东西.

她的教室很热闹. 她是新生合唱团的指挥, 但在她的上层阶级,格罗尔曼是一个戏剧制作人. 学生们以小组为单位创作短剧. 他们分配角色, 用德语写出这段对话, 排练并将完成的表演呈现给班上的其他同学. 一分钟内努力记住一个正确短语的学生, 是否会在接下来的纠正和鼓励中充满笑声. 这是一个很好的例子。? 格罗尔曼反复打电话,然后向前推进或后退,使每个概念都清晰明了. Working together makes 学生 feel less spotlighted and allows them to match others if they are struggling. Learning by doing is not just for grade school; it is how human knowledge is advanced.

能说流利的德语和英语,并学习法语, 葡萄牙语和拉丁语, 格罗尔曼是德国人. She began studying English in the 5th grade and was drawn to the study of languages very young because she loved that moment when she started thinking in another language and was deeply curious about other cultures.

Another Minard classroom: Pine-green chalkboards are rapidly filled with tidy phrases and homework assignments. 这是第三年的德语课,格罗尔曼担任历史学家. The subject of the lesson is the 1960s and 1970s anti-authoritarian movement in West Germany and that movement's connection to protests of the Vietnam War. 她解释说, 在德国, 德国人的某些看法和反应与美国人有何不同. 在这个级别,概念更难,对话也更高级. 学生们正准备参加交换项目,体验这位伟大的教育家, 文化感受. 像所有熟练的老师一样, 格罗尔曼几乎每学期都会引入新的教学理念, 是否受到她自己的体贴的启发, NDSU乐虎电子激励学生的研讨会, 或者从专业会议上学习迷你戏剧. 教学就是行动.

优雅优雅的乔·安·米勒低调地走进熙熙攘攘的合唱大厅. 她和一个明显在等她进来的人聊天, 触摸钢琴琴键, 给了一个安静的方向,椅子风暴在她周围旋转成一个圈. Together she and her 学生 stretch first their bodies and then their vocal chords as she signs the vowels she wants them to sing. 一个小小的呼唤和回应结束了热身,音乐开始制作. 米勒建议学生在他们的音乐中做翻译笔记, singling out a resistant student with gentle humor and encouraging him to take notes even through he prefers to trust his memory. 练习用德语演唱的巴赫的复杂作品, 学生们分成两半圈. Miller stands in the middle where she can hear each section and each voice within the whole and yet also hear the whole. 学生们一遍又一遍地唱一个复杂的短语,建立他们的听觉和肌肉记忆. “唱得比我还好,”她轻轻地对他们说,“我知道你们大多数人都可以. 像天使一样歌唱."

藏在音乐大楼温暖的西南角, 唱诗班教室在电脑和教学辅助方面没有高科技. 立床、折叠椅、一些音乐柜和一架好的钢琴留下了很大的空间. 所有的技术都体现在房间的设计中:隔音板排列在墙壁上, 光滑弯曲的橡木面板悬挂在天花板上的波浪形中. Good acoustics contributes to the singers' abilities to listen to one another and listening is a critical skill in singing or conducting. 米勒本人毕业于新大,于1989年加入该校,担任合唱活动总监. 她是一位技艺高超的歌手,但她的爱好是指挥.

虽然音乐本身就是一种语言, 合唱指挥尤其具有多方面. 米勒的天赋之一是她能听到线性和垂直的声音. The gift is apparent when she stands in the middle of a classroom and calls on individual 学生 from the resounding mass; encouraging one to soften, 另一个是更清晰的措辞和整个低音部分,通过一个具有挑战性的短语来提高其音高. 音乐的力量在她周围盘旋,就像一个小龙卷风,她是风的主人.

训练歌手是她教学中备受喜爱的一个方面, 训练指挥家是高级实践. 学生们要到三、四年级才能获得站在讲台上的经验. 在这一点上, 一些人会发现米勒对指挥艺术的热爱和激情. "Choral music is different than purely instrumental music -we have the best of both worlds - expressive music and harmonies and singing about ideas and feelings,米勒说. "It's when I am working with the 学生 on this music that the satisfaction and fulfillment of being a teacher takes place. The music is what inspires me and the ability then to share it and teach it to my 学生 is the fulfillment of my passion for this choral music.我们可以看到,米勒的深度倾听经历也传达给了她的合唱团. 在她带领唱诗班超越每个人潜能的演唱方式中,有一种听不见的诗意. 她给了他们音乐的语言,他们确实唱得像天使一样快乐.

哼唱巴赫, 热咖啡和笔记本在手, 我蜿蜒穿过米纳德迷宫来到三楼的附属教室. 这个位于主厅和音乐大楼之间的迷你音乐厅于2003年秋季完工. The yellow brick and red sandstone architecture is a good match for the campus' second-oldest building (101 years) and nicely connects to the modern styling of the music education building. 我在这些教室里教过课,我喜欢他们. 它们可以上网,光线充足,令人愉快. 但这是一个寒冷的周六早上,怎么会有人在这里? 数学就是原因. 今天是一年一度的数学考试. 在期末考试前的星期六举行, 这是新大数学俱乐部回馈学校的礼物. 像大多数服务项目一样,它从小规模开始,随着消息的传播和测试成绩的提高而发展壮大. 今年有300多名学生参加了这次活动,创下了俱乐部的新纪录.

三楼的教室都坐满了. 学生们根据他们的学习水平被分配到不同的房间. 最大的房间是用来学习基础知识的, 主要是新生和来自不强调数学的学科的学生. 每张桌子上都堆满了外套、帽子、背包和纸张. 男青年们挤在一起干活,女青年们则成双成对地挤在一起. 六名教师和助教在教室里走来走去,挥手回应. 与此同时,在专门为高级学生准备的房间里,气氛安静而紧张. 虽然教室里坐满了人,但这里只有两位老师. The 学生 seem to work more singly; the pairs look to be couples and I amuse myself for a few minutes imagining the conversation in a mathematical romance; the murmur of beautiful proofs.

几天后, 在他办公室外面等着, 我无意中听到了数学教授吉姆·科肯德尔的话, 对一个学生说:“我很担心你. Math is a jealous mistress; you need to be filling up several notebooks a week to survive in this class." Then he walks the student to the front desk and has him take a new math placement test to see exactly where that student belongs. 科肯德尔和那个年轻人有联系吗?那个学生会更努力学习吗? 几乎可以肯定. Or perhaps the boy will decide that he wants a less demanding field and move on without believing he is a failure, 只是他不愿意为这样一个嫉妒心强的情妇服务.

吉姆·科肯德尔一直爱着她,为她服务. 他以本科助教的身份开始了他的教学生涯,这是一种罕见的现象. 21年后,他成为了NDSU数学系的系主任, 把数学俱乐部变成了一个很酷的闲逛的地方, 今年是他教过的最好的微积分课程. 他在阿巴拉契亚山脉长大, 因此,当他阐述逻辑的美和创造性时,他的语调变得更加甜美, 跳跃和数学证明. 科肯德尔于1996年来到NDSU, seeking a research school with a doctoral program and shunning opportunities to join the National Security Agency (the nation's biggest hangout for top-notch mathematicians) because his love of 学生 is equal to his love of mathematics, 他称之为科学女王. 作为主席肩负着行政职责, 他能迅速抓住机会与学生互动. 数学入门是他的主意,在辅导课上,他和他的团队中的任何一个人一样在场,一样投入. 当他来到新州立大学时,数学俱乐部正在衰落. He tossed out the old formula and began staging speakers and discussions that highlighted the controversies and creativity of the discipline. The club began to grow and today is a dynamic student organization that often has 50 or more people in attendance.

科肯德尔对待学生时真的很用心. 他喜欢他们的职业道德、个人责任感和诚实. 然而,他对学生的热爱并没有降低他的期望. His exams are legendary for their difficulty and thoroughness because he knows that advancing 学生 before they are ready does them a great disservice. 他说,没有通过考试的学生失败是因为他们不参与, 或者也许你没有动力. Aptitude in math is almost synonymous with having a love for it and 学生 who get positive encouragement all along the way are most likely to develop that love.

数学是科学技术中使用的基本语言. Coykendall and other mathematicians will argue that it is the foundation of scientific disciplines as well. 有些人认为这是一门容易掌握的语言. 我们其余的人都在挣扎. 当老师们分享诸如“你需要更加努力”或“我知道你可以做得更好”这样的真理时,“他们要求学生进行自我检查. 这也是教与学的一个基本方面.

珍妮·哈格曼(Jeanne Hageman)拎着装满假食物的购物袋走进法语101课. 很快,学生们就会一边背诵le boeuf,一边对着塑料汉堡肉饼和紫色复活节彩蛋咯咯地笑起来, 还有联合国. 我教了18年大学水平的法语, Hageman knows without doubt that every class has its own personality and each requires that she adapt her instructional methods. 当然,18年的经验也为我们提供了丰富的想法、灵活性和直觉. 有些学生喜欢明确的规则,因此需要强调语法. 在去法国的路上,学生们想要交流和很多实用的问题,比如“公共汽车站在哪里??“语言. 她回应了这些需求,同时帮助他们堆叠语言学习的基石:阅读, 写作, 口语和听力.

就像很多过着学术生活的人一样, 哈格曼的校园办公室是一个狭窄的房间,从墙到墙,从地板到天花板都摆满了书架, with space only grudgingly given to a filing cabinet (topped with books and papers) and a battered steel desk (piled with books and papers). 这种安静, studious Midwestern woman is animated about her 学生 and full of praise for those who teach foreign languages in middle and high schools. Hageman was inspired to pursue a career in language after an experience as an exchange student to Belgium while she was in high school. 学生们钦佩她耐心的教学风格,她对外国电影的热爱激发了他们的热情. 她教他们从电影和书籍中挖掘掌握多种语言的宝藏, 以及对话. 看懂一部没有字幕的法国电影会给人一种直接的成就感. Reading Red Riding Hood in its original form without the "happily ever after" ending imbues a sense of its mystery and ancient age. 教学就是讲故事.

每个学期,学生们都带着不同的兴奋和恐惧来到校园. 他们带着干净的笔记本进入教室,准备收集任何知识. 教室是不是实验室, 合唱厅, 伟大的户外, 或者是一间摆满了小桌子的破旧房间, 他们的老师用同样的天赋和精力服务他们. 卓越的教学和卓越的学习似乎有着相同的根源. 所以,也许造就一个优秀学习者的因素也是造就一个优秀教师的因素. 在半夜里,谈话的片段在我的脑海里滚动. Grollman's poignant "I am an ambassador of Germany and I want to do a good job"; Hageman's firm "I don't believe there are people who can't learn languages"; Miller's "All I need from a student is that they want to learn"; Coykendall's passionate "I could not live without the 学生."

老师有时不耐烦,脾气暴躁, 一致的, 有关, 分离, 特定的, 慷慨的, 根据场合和学生的需要严肃或有趣. (我们都记得有几个人可能傲慢自大,居高临下.但教学就是行动,是倾听,是挑战,是讲故事,是爱.

——劳里·J. 贝克

学生集中. 土地赠与. 研究型大学.