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photo of student body president and vice president

Sarah Russell (right) is NDSU’s new student body president, and Hilary Haugeberg (left) is vice president.

Running the show

Expected graduation date: May 2016
Major: Industrial engineering and management
Hometown: Fargo, N.D.

I got involved in Student Government because it was where my strengths and passion aligned to make the greatest impact at NDSU for students. An added bonus is being surrounded by other students who have the same goal of serving others. I have never learned so much from my peers or built more friendships than I have in my two years in Student Government.

I've learned: There's no time to waste. Whether it's getting involved in an organization, learning more about another major, or reaching out to a friend - it's better to take a risk and leave your comfort zone than remain stagnant. College is only four years, but what you fill those four years with will benefit you for the rest of your life.

I chose to study at NDSU because the engineering program was extremely competitive with other major universities in the country, but has the price tag of only half or a third of other universities' costs. 也, NDSU places such an emphasis on well-rounded students that I knew I would be able to enhance my education outside of the classroom with encouragement from 教师, 工作人员, and administrators.

My advice to incoming students: Ask questions and get to know people around you. Whether in class, in your residence hall, or anywhere else on campus, there are so many students, 教师, and 工作人员 who would love to help you feel welcome at NDSU.

vice president Hilary Haugeberg
Expected graduation date: December 2015
Major: Management communication
Hometown: St. Paul, Minn.

I got involved in Student Government because I wanted to serve NDSU students, give back to the campus and become more informed and involved with internal and external happenings that affect our campus. I also had sorority sisters who were extremely encouraging and really pushed me to seek out opportunities within Student Government.

Why I chose NDSU:

My advice for incoming students is to get involved, take chances and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Take advantage of the academic resources that campus has to offer. Find a great planner or organization system that will work best for you. It takes me an eternity to pick out a planner because I am so picky about the requirements. Your professors, teaching assistants and academic deans want to know you, so introduce yourself. Finally, don't take yourself too seriously. The number one reason that we come to college is for academics, but be sure to have some fun experiences and memories thrown into the next four years as well!

Student Focused. Land Grant. Research University.