Start Here (Fall 2023)

以下信息可能会在学期开始前发生变化. Check back frequently!

Things to Do

Applied Lessons (MUSC 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, & 172)可能会有一个预定的会议时间,通常是下午2点到2点50分. This does not mean your lessons will be at that time.

Instead, your lesson schedule is in multiple parts:
  • Wednesdays from 2:00-2:50 are generally used as a studio class—a class meeting with your entire instrument/voice group. Attendance is expected.
  • Fridays from 2:00-2:50 are used as Convocation—a meeting of the entire Challey School of Music. Attendance is expected.
  • Your actual lesson time 会和你申请的老师商量后决定吗.

Sheet Music


Additional for vocalists
Liszt/ Access
Incoming Returning
NDSU使用Liszt来处理各种各样的事情,比如独奏会出席率, instrument and locker checkouts, and so on. This year, students will be self-enrolling in Liszt.

If you have already enrolled with the GSMB, you will need to re-enroll here.
Here's how you do that:
  1. Click relevant button
  2. Sign in with Microsoft
  3. Sign in with your NDUS credentials (Email)
  4. Enter your Student ID # if empty
  5. Done!
Recital Attendance
Incoming Returning
音乐专业的学生在整个学期都要参加一些现场活动. That exact number will be announced at a later date.

Available events can be viewed at the Performing Arts Calendar or at the attendance tracking system at
Instrument & Locker Checkout Information
Incoming Returning

For Instruments & Storage Lockers

  1. If you haven't already, self-enroll through Liszt/
  2. Fill out the Instrument/Locker Request Form.
  3. 您将通过查利收到您的储物柜结账信息.me

For Student Lounge Lockers

  1. 在学生休息室认领无人认领的储物柜(无人认领的储物柜前面有一张卡片)
  2. 填好储物柜上的卡片,然后把它投到音乐办公室的盒子里(音乐教育115)
Lessons/Studio Placement


  • Students are expected to sing one song of their choice.
  • An accompanist will be provided.


You will be contacted by your studio or area professor.
Registering and Dropping Classes
Visit OneStop in the Memorial Union or visit their Campus Connection page.
Accompanist Fees
Incoming Returning

所有参加MUSC X67乐虎集团声乐课程的学生都与来自我们研究生课程或社区的合作钢琴家配对. 这种专业关系发展了音乐和合作表演技巧.
  • 与MUSC X67教学大纲一起分发的合作钢琴家合同概述了合作钢琴家的费用和指导方针.
  • 合作钢琴家参加所有的声乐课程,并在钢琴合同中规定的课程之外提供一些排练时间.
  • 钢琴师也让自己可以参加辅助项目,如NATS试镜, vocal competitions, local gigs, and other auditions.

如果你指定的曲目是钢琴,你有责任找到一个伴奏者. 工具配套政策和程序可在 Current Students Page.

Things to Know

MUSC 189
即将入学的学生(除了那些在其他地方上过类似课程的学生)将报名参加MUSC 189:学术成功的技能. This course meets Tuesdays at 11:00AM. As a once-weekly course, it's easy to forget.
Theory/Ear Training Class Shuffling
随着学期的开始,你将注册一个音乐理论/耳朵训练班. During the first week, 你可能会被调到不同的班级,以确保所有的理论/听力训练课程都是平衡的. 所有的理论部分和听力训练是同时进行的,所以这不会影响你的计划.
Library Resources
Incoming Returning
Information Forthcoming
Incoming Returning
打印可在配备gopprint工作站的计算机实验室进行(集束打印)。, or from your personal devices on campus. For more information, see NDSU IT's Printing page.
Practice room protocols
Incoming Returning
  • 练习室主要供注册的音乐专业学生使用. 其他人可以向音乐办公室(115室)申请使用练习室的许可, 但如果入学的音乐专业学生需要,则必须放弃.
  • 练习室以先到先得方式提供.
  • No sign-ups are required for practice times, 但鼓励学生报名参加定期练习. Sign-up cards are outside each practice room.
  • 钢琴专业的学生可以使用带三角钢琴的练习室. 钢琴专业的学生应向学术助理(Reineke 115)索取大钢琴练习室的钥匙。. 当学生不再学习钢琴时,琴键将被归还, 如果钥匙丢了或坏了,补钥匙要收25美元.
  • 练习室不得用于私教学生
  • Practice rooms are not to be locked. Do not leave your personal belongings in a practice room.
每个人都有责任尊重练习室和其中的乐器和设备. 请不要在钢琴上放置个人物品,如背包或书籍. No food or drink is allowed in the practice rooms.
Concert Attire
Incoming Returning

Large Ensemble Performances
这是可能的,你将需要购买演唱会服装取决于你的团体成员. 其他信息将由你的乐团指挥提供.

Solo/Ensemble Performances
学生们应该穿着专业的服装参加所有的演出. 例如西装打领带、燕尾服、正装或长裤套装. 如果这种期望给学生们带来了困难,学生们应该与他们的工作室老师或合奏指导讨论他们的表演服装.
Incoming Returning

评委会是每学期乐虎集团研究的期末考试. 对学生的表现给予建设性的反馈,期望学生在下一学期的学习中继续改进自己的长处和短处.

More information will come from your studio teacher.