
The 学术要求报告 is a tool available to students and advisers to track degree progress. It allows the student and adviser to view degree progress at any time during the student’s academic career. It is interactive and also allows the student to plan for upcoming semesters within the advisement report.

The report will generate for primary major and minor programs of study. If a secondary major was officially declared after fall 2016, this will populate on the 学术要求报告. If a secondary major was declared prior to this date, curricula requirements will need to be tracked by the student and their adviser.

Help navigating your academic advisement report:

The 学术要求报告 is a tool available to students and advisers to track degree progress. It allows the student and adviser to view degree progress at any time during the student’s academic career. It is interactive and also allows the student to plan for upcoming semesters within the advisement report. The report will generate for primary major and minor programs of study. If a secondary major was officially declared after fall 2016, this will populate on the 学术要求报告. If a secondary major was declared prior to this date, curricula requirements will need to be tracked by the student and their adviser.


Professional Advisers and Administrative Staff

Academic Advisement Report Frequently Asked Questions

One of the courses is missing from the academic requirements report or is not counted as meeting the specific requirement?

If a course is missing from the report, review the section labeled Free Electives to determine if the course is being identified on the report but is just not used in meeting an identified requirement. Exceptions might occur throughout a student’s career due to waivers or substitutions of courses. If this is the case, please submit a 替换/豁免形式, with the assistance of your department advisor and chairperson, to the 注册及记录 学院联络. If there seems to be an error in the report, please contact your 学院联络.

Can the academic requirements report tell me if the student is eligible to graduate?

Academic requirements reports can help you monitor progress towards degree completion, 然而, it is not a guarantee of graduation. Official status of degree certification is made by the 学位及档案分析员 in the Office of 注册及记录.

What if the wrong program of study is populating in the academic requirements report?

If the academic requirements report is populating the wrong program of study, the student has not officially changed their major and/or minor with the Office of 注册及记录. The student must fill out and submit a 主要更改表格

The requirements for the program have changed and the academic requirements report is showing the old requirements?

根据 学术政策 (见清单第1a项), a student’s curricula guide year is based on the term the student was admitted to NDSU or officially declared a new major. If the requirements of the major have changed and the student would like to follow the new requirements, 学位及档案分析员 to change the curricula guide year.

Why isn’t the academic requirements report available for some programs, 未成年人, 证书, 或者研究生学位?

由于他们的双校区性质, reports for the Elementary Education (Valley City State University) and Social Work (Minot State University) programs will not be built. There is no plan to build reports for graduate requirements.