


One of the most beautiful sights in spring is a blooming crabapple. 它们很壮观!

It’s no wonder the crabapple is the favorite small tree in North Dakota. If you go to a garden center, you will find lots of different crabapple cultivars available.

哪一个最适合你? Here are some tips to help you make a choice.


This is always the first consideration when selecting a tree. It makes no sense to buy a tree that will die over winter. All crabapple cultivars discussed in this article are hardy to Zone 4. If you live in the far northern area of the state, focus on cultivars hardy to Zone 3.


这通常是关键因素. 粉红色或白色? Besides your personal color preference, keep in mind where the tree will be planted. 背景是什么?? For example, a white-blossomed tree will be less showy if the background is a white building. Likewise, a tree with dark pink flowers may not contrast well against a red brick building.


这一点非常重要! 为什么我们如此关注 花的颜色? The flowers will remain on the tree for only a 两个星期. I encourage you to consider how long the fruits persist on the tree. Some cultivars have fruit that persist on the tree through much of the fall 和 winter, 为我们的风景增添色彩 几个月. Cultivars known for their persistent fruits include ‘Adams’, “阿迪朗达克”, “唐纳德·奥”, 收获黄金®, “Prairifire”, “缤纷”, 红色宝石®, “红色光辉”, 皇家雨滴®, ' Sargent '和Sugar time®.


越小越好. Larger fruits generally create bigger messes when they drop. Avoid cultivars with fruits that are 2/3 inch or larger in diameter. Pea-sized fruits are much less messy 和 often stay on the tree longer.


For gardeners who hate the mess created by dropping fruits, 不育品种是可用的, 即Marilee®和“春雪”. Sterile trees are most useful in patios 和 courtyards.


We automatically think crabapple fruits are red, but some cultivars produce golden yellow fruits. 这是特殊的. These cultivars include Cinderella®, 收获黄金®, Lollipop® 和 ‘Louisa’.

不是所有的红色水果都是一样的. 有些红色的水果颜色深而暗淡. 其他人则很聪明. Cultivars with the brightest fruits include “阿迪朗达克”, “唐纳德·奥”, 红色宝石® 和 ‘Sargent’.


Trees with purple or bronze foliage will st和 out 和 make an eye-catching statement in the l和scape. 这些品种包括“红衣主教”, 角斗士™, “Prairifire”, “紫色王子”, “Royal Beauty”和“皇家雨滴®”.

另一方面, a crabapple with green foliage can provide a more natural, 景观中的放松效果.



许多品种有一个圆形的树冠, but some have upright to columnar canopies suitable for tight spaces. These include “阿迪朗达克”, 角斗士™, Ivory Spear™ 和 ‘Marilee®’.

几个品种(“路易莎”), ‘Royal Beauty’ 和 Ruby Tears™) have graceful, weeping habits; this can make a statement as a specimen tree in your l和scape.

‘Sargent’ is a great choice if you are looking for a dwarf (8-foot-high) tree with a horizontal habit.


寻找抗病的树木. It’s heart-breaking to have a crabapple tree that drops its leaves in mid-summer due to scab disease or dies prematurely from fire blight. Scab is more of a problem in the eastern part of our state because of its higher humidity.


查看在线图表 约翰逊的 和 J. 弗兰克•施密特 托儿所. Most local 托儿所 get their products from Bailey Nursery. Go to their website, type in “crabapple”; 和 learn about their selections.

Crabapple cultivars have been reviewed by NDSU researchers for decades. The authoritative publication that describes their work is Choice Flowering 海棠品种 for the Northern Plains.

图表总结了一些最好的 北达科他州的海棠品种

Written by Tom Kalb, 扩展 Horticulturist, North Dakota State University. 图片由 keeva999 (主页),贝利幼儿园和 植物影像库

Information from the above chart was obtained from similar charts from 约翰逊的托儿所 和 J. 弗兰克•施密特 以及贝利托儿所的信息.

Most local 托儿所 get their products from Bailey Nursery. 了解他们所有的选择.