


The North Dakota 4-H Horse Demonstration contest is designed to encourage youth to teach others how to do something related to horses while utilizing visuals and equipment correctly. 通过演示,你向你的听众描述“如何”做一项特定的活动. 在这场比赛中, you will use visual aids to demonstrate how to accomplish what you are excited to teach in a step-by-step procedure with an end product or result. An illustrated talk is defined as a presentation of an idea or topic of the horse industry that uses visual aids to convey the message. This contest fosters confidence in youths’ ability to present information in a logical and concise manner, 建立他们的公开演讲技巧. 此外,通过参加这次比赛,年轻人将提高他们对马的知识水平. 除了帮助年轻人成为负责任和受过教育的马人, 这个比赛帮助青少年建立强大的领导能力, 并获得宝贵的沟通和决策技能.

The winning 4-H senior team and individual will have a choice to represent North Dakota at the Western National Roundup 4-H 马示范 contest in Denver, 科罗拉多州.


  • 促进马科学和马业的学习.
  • 青少年对马科学和相关职业产生积极的兴趣和态度.
  • 青年获得了马科学项目的基础知识.
  • 年轻人将运用技能和能力来解决日常问题.
  • 奖励4-H成员在某一主题领域获得的知识.
  • 提供一个竞争的环境,让友好和公平的态度占上风.
  • 参与者将处理信息, 分析复杂的问题,并作出明智的决定,目前马的健康, 安全, 福利, 道德和其他与马业相关的问题.
  • 青少年培养团队合作、自信、演讲和决策能力.
  • An increased number of participants seek higher education opportunities and careers related to animal or equine science.


  • Contestants must be enrolled in North Dakota 4-H (4honline) as a full-time member in the county they represent. 短期4-H成员没有资格在州一级竞争.
  • 参赛者可以个人或团队形式参赛. 一个队由两名队员组成.
  • Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable accommodations to participate in NDSU-sponsored programs and events. 如需住宿,请致电701-231-7251或 冬青.Halvorson@z-buy.net 比赛前两周做出安排.
  • 在下列情况下,4-H成员没有资格参加本次比赛:
    • 他们在全国马术表演比赛中担任裁判.
    • 他们参加了正式的大专(大学), 大学, junior 大学 or technical school) competitive events of a similar nature in the same subject matter area. Neither can they be a member of a post-secondary team undergoing training in preparation for an event.


每个年龄组被视为一个单独的比赛, 青年可参加下列组别之一:

  • 青少年4-H组:9月前8岁. 1岁至13岁(截至12月12日. 31.
  • 高级4-H组:12月14至18岁的青少年. 31岁,在北达科他州注册为全职4-H会员(不是短期会员)。
    • The senior first-place team and the individual overall in the state 4-H demonstration/illustrated talk contest has the option to represent North Dakota at the Western National Roundup contest in Denver, 科罗拉多州. The team is awarded $200 and the individual will be awarded $100 from the North Dakota 4-H Foundation to help with travel expenses. Contestants already must have passed their 14th birthday and may not have reached their 19th birthday as of Jan. 全国4-H赛事举办年份的1日. 然而, the state 4-H leader may grant a special authorization to compete for youth with developmental disabilities who exceed the upper age limit. To request funding for the national 4-H demonstration/illustrated talk contest  The 扩展 agent in the county of the representative team will need to write a formal letter to the North Dakota 4-H Foundation director, 彭妮戴尔, (一分钱.dale@z-buy.net),并复制国家4-H动物科学专家在 LeighAnn.Skurupey@z-buy.net 邮件里也有. 申请200美元/ 100美元的资金. 包括:4-H基金会应该给谁写支票, 把支票寄到哪里, 参赛队员的名字, 还有国家大事的名字和日期.

County agents and coaches are responsible for determining the age and member eligibility of participants in the state 4-H contest from their respective clubs.


  • 报名将通过4H-Online进行.
  • 请在较晚的报名日期前报名,以免收取额外费用. 更改和替换可以在比赛当天报名时进行.
  • Lunch is provided; add the number of lunches needed for coaches/chaperones/etc.
  • 报名费:每人/团队$5*. *费用可能会根据当年的费用和举办比赛的地区而有所变化

NDSU,办事员:霍莉·霍尔沃森,系. FLC 219. 邮政信箱6050,法戈,ND 58108.
