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Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience Research

The NDSU CVCN is dedicated to conducting cutting edge research across the fields of visual and cognitive neuroscience. The research projects taking place in our laboratories are designed to test hypotheses which will shed light on the brain mechanisms which support mental operations such as cognition, perception and motor behavior. Here are research studies that the CVCN has engaged in.

Psychology Researchers Study the Effects of Alcohol on Eye Movement

The fifteen volunteers knew what going to the eye doctor was like. But this was, well, different. In a small and narrow basement laboratory not even as big as a bedroom, the darkness of four walls wrapped in black felt material makes it vaguely claustrophobic. The hum of computer fans and shafts of light from monitors add little in the way of ambiance. Sitting down in front of a computer screen, each volunteer wears functional, but clearly unfashionable, goggles.

Want to know more? Full article from NDSU Magazine Volume 5, Number 2 here!

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