
注册和记录办公室使用 转学评估系统,或工商业教育学院,检讨及记录课程的等同程度. 所有国内、国际和军事课程都可以在TES数据库中找到.


请注意: Every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information; however, 保留随时修改或修改内容的权利. Final decisions regarding the transfer of credit and application of credit to program requirements rest with the NDSU 注册和记录办公室 and/or the respective academic departmental offices.

Courses listed in this database have been evaluated by NDSU faculty or staff based on information such as catalog descriptions and course syllabi. 此资料库并不包括各院校的所有课程. 

  • 如果一门课程没有被列出来,说明它之前没有被评估过.
  • 课程评价为 自由选修课(TRNSFR 1XX, 2XX等).) 可以作为部门替代适用于某些主要要求吗. 该部门将对项目资格做出决定.


Provide official transcripts from each college or university where academic credit was earned. 成绩单被认为是正式的,如果:

  • 直接从转学机构寄给新苏大学
  • 学生用转学院校提供的密封信封提交



双职业/ pso /学院:
如果你在高中时获得了大学学分, official transcripts from each college/university where credit was earned must also be sent to NDSU for evaluation of credit. 我们不接受高中成绩单上的大学学分.

如果你已经, AP, CLEP, DSST或IB考试, please have an official copy of the examination results sent to our office for credit evaluation. 有关考试可获学分的资料,请浏览 审查信用 目录中的章节.


转移信用评估是在 注册和记录办公室. 评估过程在学生被学校录取后开始 招生办公室.

一旦承认, the 注册和记录办公室 will receive your transcripts from the 招生办公室. 的 typical timeframe for processing transfer credits is 1-3 weeks depending on the time of year. 在学期之间和夏季,处理时间接近三周.

Your transcript will be reviewed for courses equivalencies and added into 校园连接. You will receive an email from the 注册和记录办公室 once that process is complete which will instruct you to view your Advising Transcript. 

其他学位要求可以通过校园连接查看 学术要求报告. 该报告将显示获得学位所需的已完成和剩余课程. (Any additional transfer credits received after initial evaluation will appear in 校园连接 when they are received and processed by our office.)

完整的转移学分政策可在NDSU目录中找到: 转学和考试学分.

Students may request to have a course equivalency re-evaluated by submitting a copy of the course syllabus to the Office of Registration & 亲自到Ceres大厅110或通过电子邮件到 ndsu.transfer@z-buy.net. 请附上你的学生证号码和与新大最相似的课程.


Code 描述
TRNSFR 100 转学课程评估正在进行中
TRNSFR 101 教学大纲需要*
TRNSFR 102 需要课程描述*
TRNSFR 103 部门评估正在进行中
TRNSFR 1XX或2XX 自由选修,低级**
TRNSFR 3XX或4XX 自由选修课,高级**
英格兰X00 补救课程,不授予学分-满足英语110的先决条件

All syllabi and course descriptions may be submitted in person to the Office of Registration & 档案,谷神星馆110号,或发邮件至 ndsu.transfer@z-buy.net.


Courses earned through non-accredited institutions or those that are remedial by definition of the transferring institutions or equivalent to a remedial course at NDSU will not be accepted in transfer.

的 applicability of transfer credits toward your intended program of study is determined by the respective Academic Department upon admission to NDSU. 的 注册和记录办公室 may determine the suitability of your coursework to fulfill general education requirements, 先决条件或较低级别的课程.

For practical purposes there are three main types of transfer credit that you will see on your 学术要求报告:

  • Credit for program requirements and college specific courses (determined by each academic college and department)
  • Credit for general education requirements (determined by institution and North Dakota University System guidelines)
  • 选修课学分(新大没有相应课程的课程). 这些可能是特定于程序的(engl1xx, math2xx等).)或自由选修课(转学1XX、2XX等).),而NDSU没有类似的课程.
    • 自由选修课程只能计入总学分. Applicability to program requirements will be determined by the academic department of the student’s major



Students transferring to NDSU after having completed an Associate of Science or Associate of Arts are considered to have completed their lower-division general education requirements at NDSU as long as that institution is accredited by a qualifying accreditor. 可接受的认证列表请参阅我们的 转移和测试学分政策.

学生已完成 明尼苏达转学课程 (MNTC)或符合 NDUS GERTA协议 也会满足较低的通识教育要求吗.

其他认可院校的通识教育课程, that transfer to NDSU as electives may be accepted in transfer as part of the general education requirements at NDSU. 的 T转移等值制 将显示哪些转学课程符合通识教育要求.

Transfer students who have only partially fulfilled general education category requirements by transfer-approved courses must complete the requirements in approved courses within the NDSU deficient categories. 任何类别的学分要求都不能少于部分学期的学分. 然而, 在通信类别中, if the transfer course(s) have been evaluated as equivalent to ENGL 110 College Composition I, 英语120大学作文2, and COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking and total no less than eight semester credits, 低级职类的要求已得到满足.

Students who have transferred in credit for 英语120大学作文2 but not credit for ENGL 110 College Composition I will earn placement credit for ENGL 110 upon completion of their Upper Division Writing requirement with a C or better.

我们完整的通识教育课程和政策可以在NDSU目录下找到 通识教育.


我们强烈鼓励学生尽快开始计划转学. Successful transfer students will meet regularly with their current adviser as well as an adviser at NDSU and follow curriculum and transfer guidance provided by the NDSU website.

本科学位和毕业信息政策 能在我们的目录中找到吗.

Students are responsible for knowing academic policies that could impact transferability of courses as well as degree completion. 有关这些问题和关切的协助可直接向 注册和记录办公室

没有四年的要求,只要实习. 参见政策#6,了解目录中大学范围的学位要求. 在这30个学分内, minimum requirements include 15 semester credits in courses numbered 300 or above and 15 semester credits in the major field of study.

住宿学分包括在新大注册和支付的学分. 这些课程可能包括新大校区或三学院提供的课程. 至少30个学分必须是新大的居民学分.

At least 36 of the credits presented for graduation must be in courses taken at the 300 and 400 level.


根据 NDSU重复策略在新大修完一门课程后,必须在新大重修. 

如果一门课程在一个机构重复, the repeat attempts will be recorded in transfer as the issuing institution has recorded on the transcript. 的 重复政策 会否适用于在多个院校修读课程的学生.
