


This page was adapted from the article, "大豆炭腐病 ," which appeared in 作物 & 害虫的报告 2022年8月25日.

几年前, several fields experienced very severe charcoal rot in the Southeast and East central RRV (图1).  While we do not have a good handle on how prevalent the disease is, we are fairly certain it is more common that we think. 我们鼓励你去寻找炭腐病.

A soybean field with large sections where the foliage has turned various shades of yellow and orange.
图1. 大面积的大豆感染炭腐病. 2018年在卡斯县拍摄.

感染发生在生长季节的早期, 但通常在开花之后才被观察到, and is far more severe and obvious when in a hot and dry growing season.  这种疾病是由土壤传播的病原体(Macrophomina phaseolina) that infects many crops (corn, sunflower, other legumes, etc..), but we have observed the disease to be most severe in our area on soybeans. 

The disease is typically first noticed when patches of soybeans (often large patches) prematurely wilt and die. The leaves will remain ON the wilted and dying plants (图2).

Soybean plants with wilted leaves many have turned tan or brown.
图2. 枯萎的黄豆还有叶子.

Plant tissue on lower stem and tap root may appear gray or silver and ‘peeling’ away (图3).

五根大豆茎的外层组织被刮掉了. 其中一根茎的内部颜色很浅. 其他四个是灰色到黑色的. 一个银色的U.S. 照片中有25美分的硬币.
图3. Lower stem tissue ‘shaved away’, revealing black microcsclerotia.

If you remove the outer tissue (‘shaving’ tissue gently with a pocket knife works very well) you will see profuse charcoal-colored specs called microsclerotia (图4).

A soybean stem with many small black spots just under the outer tissue of the stem.
图4. Lower stem with a dusty gray to silver appearance, with outer tissue peeling away.

